Transform or Die: The Growth Transformer's Roadmap

We live in an era of opportunity. The rules for how we lead our businesses are being rewritten. Some companies are transforming growth. However, others are stuck in neutral or at a crossroads. Their leadership teams are frustrated tired of detours and dead-ends. Many are ambitious with good options. Others face a burning platform where there is a threat to their business's very existence. In most cases, the road forward is blocked by the relentless urgency of the day-to-day.

Yet other leadership teams create space and time to work 'on the business'. They reject the status quo. They foresee new opportunities and new ways of doing things. They step beyond their comfort zone and look beyond today's horizon. They know that Einstein was right when he said:

"If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got".

They lead their teams around the roadblocks. They have the courage to take considered risks.

Over the past five years, we have supported multiple leadership teams in their quest to overcome challenges and dilemmas. Some have faced market entry or competitive issues; others, team alignment or performance challenges; most had some financial or funding context. All had important decisions and choices to make.

Through these engagements, we heard a consistent demand for a clear, practical and simple roadmap. You told us you had isolated strategy tools and processes but wanted an integrated path to growth transformation. You wanted a roadmap that you could embed and use in your own companies, which had to:

  • Provide a structure that brought your whole team on the journey
  • Go beyond strategy and help with execution 
  • Provide roadmap signposts that served as a progress guide
  • And perhaps most importantly, it had to facilitate and accelerate change

You helped us refine and clarify our thinking on growth transformation and we have summarized the lessons learnt in our new eBook, The Growth Transformer's Roadmap. It is intended to share the lessons learnt from Growth Transformers, who chose to transform, rather than stagnate and die. 

Please let us know your experiences, as this is a journey we are all on.

We hope you enjoy it!

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Five common steps characterize the Growth Transformer's Roadmap. These steps are divided into WHAT needs to be done to transform growth and HOW this transformation will be achieved: 


  • Secure Commitment to Shared Vision
  • Define Critical Few Growth Challenges
  • Transform Challenges into Growth Blueprint


  • Build Execution and Resource Plan
  • Finalize Growth Transformation Program



What is a Growth Transformer

Growth Transformer's are people who transform:

  • The horizon, like Amazon's Jeff Bezos and Salesforce's Marc Benioff
  • Their industry, like Ryanair's Michael O'Leary and Tesla's Elon Musk
  • Their business, like many of us, including the leaders discussed in this ebook