Improving your pricing strategy delivers big bottom line impact
Improving pricing strategy delivers bottom line business impact. McKinsey research of large firms claims that 1 % improvement in pricing can improve operational profits by more than 5%. We believe that the improvement for growth firms is potentially even higher.

Product Management- Finding the Right Product Mark...
New products can transform company growth. However, many times they don’t deliver their promise. If companies implement product management processes they will have more success.

The Innovation Myth Scatter fairy dust or common sense?
What if innovation were stripped of mystery? What if the innovator weren't a mad genius or magician, but a disciplined observant entrepreneur working through simple steps, making incremental changes that collectively add up to great innovation?

Mapping the product management minefield, 2008
Product Management strategy is a CEO issue. Until it becomes part of our CEOs DNA, many companies will flounder. There needs to be a radical improvement in the Product Management capability of Irish software companies if their scale ambitions are to be realised. Best practice tells us that scale in product companies only takes place when world class Product Management is in place. Product Management capability in Ireland is limited, resulting in missed opportunities, barriers to scale and wasted R&D