Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, is famously critical of the workplace with his cynical cartoons. He entertains millions with his experiences of jargon-filled corporate speak and the lack of emotionally honest messages.
Blog Archive | Ceo
Do CEOs really have time to waste on emotional intelligence?
Posted on December 14, 2019 by Paul O'Dea
Three great leadership lessons - inspired by Declan Kidney
Posted on April 05, 2013 by Paul O'Dea
Declan Kidney knows that professional sports team management is brutish. Wins are quickly forgotten and sentiment turns quickly toxic when results don't meet expectations. Most leaders performance evaluation is conducted in private. Not so a professional coach, even a Monday morning pundit (like myself) feels we have a right to review the coaches performance. Yet whatever public sentiment lingers, I believe Declan Kidney's legacy includes three great leadership lessons:
Want to Make your Startup Succeed - Be yourself with "More Skill"
Posted on March 19, 2013 by Paul O'Dea
Last week, I met famed leadership expert Gareth Jones (author of Why Should Anybody be Led by You?). Jones speaks about large companies and draws lessons from great leaders like Mandela and Branson. It got me thinking - how would his lessons apply to startups?